Welcome To Upstream Trophies

Sustainable trophies
with a story

from waste to glory

Custom Made or Standard?

We create unique trophies from recycled plastics for your award ceremony. Our collection offers a variety of pre-designed trophies as well as the option for custom made creations. All our awards are crafted from recycled and eco-friendly materials, with a special emphasis on using recycled plastic. You have the freedom to select from various materials, each carrying its own unique backstory.

Choose your trophy

Custom award 2022 Line up

Custom made trophies

We'll custom design a unique trophy for you. Next to the design also the materials can be chosen, each waste material has its own narrative which can connect with the brand or award ceremony.

standard lineup

Standard trophies

Choose the perfect trophy from a selection of standard designs & materials. These trophies are all made from sustainable materials and can be quickly manufactured.

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Our Approach

Let Waste be the Hero

Let waste be the hero by creating beautiful trophies with state of the art technologies. We transform plastic waste sources into a unique trophy with the help of 3d printing, laser cutting, sheet pressing and other techniques. In this way we can transform almost every kind of plastic waste into new glory.

Our Approach

Let Waste be the Hero

Let waste be the hero by creating beautiful trophies with state of the art technologies. We transform plastic waste sources into a unique trophy with the help of 3d printing, laser cutting, sheet pressing and other techniques. In this way we can transform almost every kind of plastic waste into new glory.

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How it's made

Sustainable materials

Every waste source has its own story. We make trophies from old refrigerators, fishing nets, airplane parts, old trophies from dog shows, plastic bottles and much more. We can even make trophies from your own plastic waste.

Also with the assembly of the trophies we use materials that are eco friendly, so preferably no glue connections or really difficult to recycle materials. Moreover we don’t work with plastics which contain dangerous additives like heavy metals which are used for flame retardants or colouring. Eco friendly also means that we try to source our sustainable and recycled materials as local as possible. In this way we the winners of our trophies and awards are double winners, for themselves and the environment.

Our awards are designed with circularity in mind, meaning they’re made of recycled materials and the materials are recyclable for a next life of glory, perpetual plastic. And if people don’t know how to properly dispose their award for recycling we will take back the trophy and recycle it ourselves. 

Contact our team and let us surprise you with our creativity and unique awards

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Our Approach

Let Waste be the Hero

Let waste be the hero by creating beautiful trophies with state of the art technologies. We transform plastic waste sources into a unique trophy with the help of 3d printing, laser cutting, sheet pressing and other techniques. In this way we can transform almost every kind of plastic waste into new glory.

How it's made

Sustainable materials

Every waste source has its own story. We make trophies from old refrigerators, fishing nets, airplane parts, old trophies from dog shows, plastic bottles and much more. We can even make trophies from your own plastic waste.

Also with the assembly of the trophies we use materials that are eco friendly, so preferably no glue connections or really difficult to recycle materials. Moreover we don’t work with plastics which contain dangerous additives like heavy metals which are used for flame retardants or colouring. Eco friendly also means that we try to source our sustainable and recycled materials as local as possible. In this way we the winners of our trophies and awards are double winners, for themselves and the environment.

Our awards are designed with circularity in mind, meaning they’re made of recycled materials and the materials are recyclable for a next life of glory, perpetual plastic. And if people don’t know how to properly dispose their award for recycling we will take back the trophy and recycle it ourselves. 

Contact our team and let us surprise you with our creativity and unique awards

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How it's made

Sustainable materials

Every waste source has its own story. We make trophies from old refrigerators, fishing nets, airplane parts, old trophies from dog shows, plastic bottles and much more. We can even make trophies from your own plastic waste.

Also with the assembly of the trophies we use materials that are eco friendly, so preferably no glue connections or really difficult to recycle materials. Moreover we don’t work with plastics which contain dangerous additives like heavy metals which are used for flame retardants or colouring. Eco friendly also means that we try to source our sustainable and recycled materials as local as possible. In this way we the winners of our trophies and awards are double winners, for themselves and the environment.

Our awards are designed with circularity in mind, meaning they’re made of recycled materials and the materials are recyclable for a next life of glory, perpetual plastic. And if people don’t know how to properly dispose their award for recycling we will take back the trophy and recycle it ourselves. 

Contact our team and let us surprise you with our creativity and unique awards

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What Our Customers Say

Have a look at our custom made trophies

Sustainable & Eco friendly
Shipping around the world
Trophies with a story
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