The beauty of waste

Welcome to The Beauty of Waste, a blog series featuring insightful interviews with the Upstream Trophies team. From the challenges of working with recycled materials to bold opinions on design and sustainability, each post dives into the future of the trophy industry. These aren’t just stories, they’re conversations meant to spark ideas and challenge the norm. Join us as we explore the beauty and potential of waste, and rethink what’s possible in sustainable design.

Koen Bleijerveld

Koen Bleijerveld

Lead designer Upstream Trophies

Your achievement deserves way more than a boring wooden block

I’ve seen it too many times, those so-called “sustainable” trophies that look more like a weekend DIY project than a symbol of achievement. I think employees or prize winners deserve more than just a chunk of wood passed off as eco-friendly. It’s time we set a higher standard for sustainable trophies. If you work with sustainable materials I think transparency is an important aspect.

Not an excuse for ugly products

What motivates me in my work for Upstream Trophies is the impact we can make but also that we’re setting a new standard in the trophy market. Many of our clients found us because they were looking for a sustainable trophy that resonates with their event, but the trophies they found looked like DIY projects or the sustainable claim was very doubtful. I refuse to let sustainability be an excuse for creating ugly products. This comes from the experience I gained with Better Future Factory, a design and engineering studio that excels in transforming discarded materials into high-value products. We reject the idea that sustainable design must compromise on aesthetics, and our work with top-tier clients like BMW, Lego, and IKEA proves it.

I refuse to let sustainability be an excuse for creating ugly products.

Sustainability is a non negotiable

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; to my opinion it’s non-negotiable. More and more people are seeking products that align with their values and not just their needs. Foremost on a personal level, but this resonates in their work as well. It really frustrates me when I come across trophies labeled as sustainable and made of a “bioresin,” only to find out after a bit of research that the “bio” part makes up just 10%, while the other 90% is regular, oil-based material. Claims like these are pure greenwashing or at least 90% of it is. We try to be transparent about the composition of our materials and have developed a material passport for this. 

A world obsessed with new products

I’ve always believed that great design doesn’t just reshape materials, it reshapes perceptions. In a world obsessed with new products, my team and I at Upstream Trophies are flipping the script. We’re showing that waste can be so much more. Look at our trophies! You’d never guess that it started as discarded plastic or other waste materials. That’s the magic of what we do, from waste to glory. Combining luxury with sustainability for trophies in a way that’s never been done before.

The future of trophies

At Upstream Trophies, we’re not just following trends; we’re leading a revolution in what a sustainable trophy can be. We’re proving that luxury and sustainability are compatible, moreover this is the future of trophies. When I think about waste, I don’t see it as something discarded; I see a material, beauty, and a new beginning. This belief is the foundation of our work, where discarded materials are transformed into unique, polished trophies that carry the weight of both prestige and purpose.

Setting a new standard

I’m Koen from Upstream Trophies and we create unique, high end and sustainable awards that deserve to be seen. Our belief is that every piece of waste can be reborn into an extraordinary statement piece that adds a touch of glory to any office or home. Our motto? Form follows material. Specializing in plastics and utilizing diverse waste streams, our material-first approach is an ode to modern craftsmanship. From material passports and transport with minimal carbon footprint to locally scouted and recycled materials: we set the standard in sustainability and proof is in every trophy.

Upstream Trophies – From waste to glory.

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